Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Drawing Week 4: Medieval Drawing - John Bentley

This drawing session was my favourite in the final drawing week. We went back in time exploring the creativity of the medieval era. We were told to consider if there was no technology, how would we draw creatively? It was really experimental and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's worth a go!

For the first task, we had to draw the person next to us in cube form.

The same ago using only circles.

At break we were sent off with the task of finding out 10 aspects that your partner wanted to change about themselves. For Kam, I had to include: Edward scissor hands, permanent roller blades, the crown jewels, a dolphin tail, hedgehog spikes, decorative gypsy earrings, a Rudolph nose, candy floss hair, a permanenly framed face and gills. We then had to draw our person with all these features, folded up into a box shape. (Just don't ask!)

After we'd done this, John showed us a book of Medieval drawings that people had done, highlighting the restrictions they were given during that time. In some cases, the drawing were of a fantastical nature, because they were so far fetched. We then had to recreate the same drawing baring in mind the drawings we had just been shown and really trying to make them as medieval and far fetched as possible.

The final drawings of the class.

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